1100 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20024
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
4th Floor (E-4302)
To Register: goo.gl/e2NgL7
If you are interested in learning how to best run your business, you should attend a workshop we are conducting using the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC) Money Smart for Small Business curriculum modules. During this session, representatives from DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Small Business Resource Center will assist individuals with a better understanding Time Management and Recordkeeping as a managerial tool for small businesses.
After completing this module, the participants will become familiar with the common types of business formations, including:
- Improve their overall recordkeeping practices.
- Apply tricks and tools relevant to their business.
- Choose among various software to support their recordkeeping.
Time Management.
Claudia Herrera
Email: [email protected]
(202) 442-8055