Did you know that services and supports for children, youth, and families comprise half of the city’s entire budget? The District’s annual Children’s Budget Report lays out the array of investments for children and youth.
The report also highlights the Gray Administration’s priorities. The administration is interested in making the most of the annual children's budget and we need your ideas! A confidential, online survey has been launched by the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services (DMHHS) and Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME). We invite you to take this short survey.
Before you start the survey, please take a look at two children's budgets and other annual budget documents.
FY 2010 Children's Budget Report
FY 2012 Children's Budget Report
FY 2013 Department of Human Services Budget
FY 2006 Department of Human Services Budget
FY 2010 Department of Health Budget
Click on the link to take the Children’s Budget Report Improvement Survey
The survey will be available 9:00am Wednesday, July 11, 2012 to 5:00pm Wednesday, August 15, 2012.
The results of the survey will be reported in September. If you would like to be notified of the survey result report, send an email to Susie Cambria, [email protected].
While we cannot promise to implement every suggestion, we will seriously consider input.
*You do not have to participate in the survey to add your name to the notification list.